Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is a country in Southeast Asia that borders India, Bangladesh, China, Laos, and Thailand. The prevalence of blindness in Myanmar, with its population of 55 million, is the highest of any country in Southeast Asia. Roughly 10% of the rural adult population is blind. Through support from the OHSU Casey Eye Institute and OHSU Global Southeast Asia, I had the opportunity to visit the country of Myanmar and spend time teaching at two hospitals - Tipitaka Eye Hospital and the Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, and Neck Hospital.
At the start of my trip, I spent time at the rural Tipitaka Eye Hospital, a charity hospital opened by a Buddhist monastery. Here I worked with ophthalmic nursing aids-in training on their retinoscopy skills and basics of the eye exam. During the latter half of my trip, I traveled to Mandalay and saw patients in the pediatric clinics and operated daily with one of the local pediatric ophthalmologists at the Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, and Neck Hospital, the government hospital of Mandalay. I am so honored that I could contribute to the welfare of both communities!
Photos from my trip abroad are below. All images of patients were approved with consent from their respective families. A big thank you to OHSU and my mentors for supporting me in this endeavor!

Temple atop the charity hospital in Tipitaka, Myanmar.

Reviewing retinoscopy skills with the ophthalmic nurse aids-in-training.

At the Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, and Neck Hospital Pediatric Eye Clinic.

Operating at the Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, and Neck Hospital, Myanmar.

Look at our amazing all-women anesthesia and surgical team at Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Head, and Neck Hospital during our week of surgeries!